Getting Started

Installing Klasa

Time to take the plunge! Klasa is on NPM and can be easily installed.

I assume you know how to open a command prompt in a folder where you want to install this. Please don't prove me wrong.

npm install --save klasa

optionally if you want to use the bleeding edge development version (not guaranteed to be stable):

npm install --save dirigeants/klasa

Using Klasa

Create a file called app.js (or whatever you prefer) which will initiate and configure Klasa.

const { Client } = require('klasa');

new Client({
    clientOptions: {
        fetchAllMembers: false
    prefix: '+',
    cmdEditing: true,
    typing: true,
    readyMessage: (client) => `${client.user.tag}, Ready to serve ${client.guilds.size} guilds and ${client.users.size} users`

Configuration Options: KlasaClientConfig

Name Default Type Description
clientOptions {} Object These are passed directly to the discord.js library. They are optional.¹
prefix undefined string/regex/array The default prefix(es) when the bot first boots up.²
permissionLevels defaultPermissionLevels PermissionLevels The permission levels to use with this bot
clientBaseDir see below³ string The directory where all piece folders can be found
commandMessageLifetime 1800 number The threshold for when comand messages should be sweeped in seconds since last edit
commandMessageSweep 900 number The interval duration for which command messages should be sweept in seconds
provider json string The provider to use in Klasa
language en-US string The default language Klasa should opt-in for the commands
promptTime 30000 number The amount of time in milliseconds prompts should last
ignoreBots true boolean Whether or not this bot should ignore other bots
ignoreSelf boolean Whether or not this bot should ignore itself (true for bots, false for selfbots)
cmdPrompt false boolean Whether the bot should prompt missing parameters
cmdEditing false boolean Whether the bot should update responses if the command is edited
cmdLogging false boolean Whether the bot should log command usage
quotedStringSupport false boolean Whether the bot should default to using quoted string support⁴
typing false boolean Whether the bot should type while processing commands.
readyMessage see below⁵ string/function readyMessage to be passed through to Klasa's ready event.
ownerID see below⁶ string The discord id for the user the bot should respect as the owner

1: For more information on which D.JS options are available, see ClientOptions in the discord.js docs.
2: This option becomes useless after first boot, since the prefix is written to the default configuration system. Pass an array to accept multiple prefixes.
3: The directory of the main file. path.dirname(require.main.filename)
4: quotedStringSupport is overridable per command
5: Successfully initialized. Ready to serve ${client.guilds.size} guilds.
6: ID gotten from teh Discord api if not provided:

Running the bot

Then, run the following in your folder:

npm install
node app.js

Requirements: Requires Node 8.5.0 or higher to run. Depends on Discord.js v12.0.0-dev or higher (this is peer depended on, so you can choose a non-broken commit).

What's next?

Klasa will create folders in your directory to make your own custom pieces in. Klasa will automatically check these folders on bootup, or if you reload all of a type of piece. +reload commands ect assuming your prefix is + like the example app.js file above.

Further Reading: