Using RichDisplay for Paginated Embeds

RichDisplay allows you to create a paginated embed that users of your bot will be able to browse by using reaction-based navigation.

An extremely simple working example can achieved by this code:

const { Command, RichDisplay } = require('klasa');

module.exports = class extends Command {

	constructor(...args) {
		super(...args, { description: 'Test RichDisplay' });

	async run(msg) {
		return new RichDisplay()
			.addPage(new Embed().setDescription('First page'))
			.addPage(new Embed().setDescription('Second page'))
			.run(await msg.send('Loading...'));


A more complex example with an actual usage is this:

const display = new RichDisplay(new this.client.methods.Embed()
	.setAuthor(, this.client.user.avatarURL())
	.setTitle('Random Image Slideshow')
	.setDescription('Scroll between the images using the provided reaction emotes.')

for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
	display.addPage(template => template.setImage(''));

return msg.send('Loading slideshow...'));

The code is contained in the block of the aforementioned command, inside the async run(msg) method but the display or its pages can easily be reused by placing its initialization in the command's constructor method.

Code Analysis

First we create a new RichDisplay instance, but this time we pass in a MessageEmbed instance, which will represent our template, from which we will be able to extend upon to create our pages later on:

const display = new RichDisplay(new this.client.methods.Embed()
	/* ... */

This MessageEmbed instance will be accessible to us by either calling the RichDisplay.template property of the RichDisplay instance, in a cloned manner, or directly through the RichDisplay.addPage method, if we pass in an arrow function or a callback.

for (/* ... */) {
	display.addPage(template => /* ... */);

From here we will be able to add content or edit properties of the template, and then, return the final embed to the RichDisplay.addPage method to be processed into a RichDisplay page.

/* ... */
	display.addPage(template => {
			.setColor(0xF44336); // You can change everything of the template

Then, after the RichDisplay is setup, we return, executing it on a new message.

return msg.send('Loading slideshow...'));

Info Page

We can also define an Info page, which will be available through the appropriate reaction emote. All we have to do is simply call the RichDisplay.setInfoPage instead than RichDisplay.addPage. The template will be available to us in the same ways as before.

Note: only one info page can be set at once. Setting the info page more than once will override the previously defined info page.


Behavior managing can be handled through the second (optional) argument of the method. The configuration must be defined as an object literal. Please refer to the RichDisplay.RichDisplayRunOptions documentation page for information about each specific option.

Custom Behavior Handling

To handle whether or not a user should trigger an action when interacting with the reactions applied to the embed you can provide a filter function, which will be called every time a user reacts to the embed.

A simple example for this would be a filter that only allows the user who executes the command to interact with it: msg.send('Loading slideshow...'), { filter: (reaction, user) => user === });