Creating Events

Events are placed in ./events/. If a conflicting event is present in both the core and your client, only your client version is loaded and will run when that event is triggered.

Their structure is the following:

const { Event } = require('klasa');

module.exports = class extends Event {

	constructor(...args) {
		super(...args, { name:'yourEventName', enabled: true });

	run(...params) {
		// This is where you place the code you want to run for your event

	async init() {
		// You can optionally define this method which will be run when the bot starts (after login, so discord data is available via this.client)


Where ...params are arguments you would normally get from those events. For example, while the ready event would only have none, the guildMemberAdd event would be member.


Name Default Type Description
name theFileName string The name of the event
enabled true boolean Whether the event is enabled or not

Further Reading: