Creating Monitors

Monitors are special in that they will always run on any message. This is particularly useful when you need to do checking on the message, such as checking if a message contains a vulgar word (profanity filter). They are almost completely identical to inhibitors, the only difference between one is ran on the message, and the other is ran on the command. Monitors are loaded as core first, and if your code contains a monitor of the same name it overrides the core monitor.

Their structure is identical to inhibitors, being the only difference is that you don't pass a command parameter to them.

const { Monitor } = require('klasa');

module.exports = class extends Monitor {

	constructor(...args) {
		super(...args, {
			name: 'yourMonitorName',
			enabled: true,
			ignoreBots: true,
			ignoreSelf: true,
			ignoreOthers: true

	run(msg) {
		// This is where you place the code you want to run for your monitor

	async init() {
		// You can optionally define this method which will be run when the bot starts (after login, so discord data is available via this.client)



Name Default Type Description
name theFileName string The name of the monitor
enabled true boolean Whether the monitor is enabled or not
ignoreBots true boolean Whether the monitor ignores bots or not
ignoreSelf true boolean Whether the monitor ignores itself or not
ignoreOthers true boolean Whether the monitor ignores others or not

As with all other pieces, you can omit any optional Configuration that match the default values.

Further Reading: