Creating Commands

New commands are created in the ./commands/ folder, where subfolders are the categories offered in the help command. For instance adding ./commands/Misc/test.js will create a command named test in the Misc category. Subcategories can also be created by adding a second folder level.

const { Command } = require('klasa');

module.exports = class extends Command {

	constructor(...args) {
		super(...args, {
			name: 'yourCommandName',
            enabled: true,
            runIn: ['text', 'dm', 'group'],
            cooldown: 0,
            aliases: [],
            permLevel: 0,
            botPerms: [],
            requiredSettings: [],
            description: '',
            quotedStringSupport: false,
            usage: '',
            usageDelim: undefined,
            extendedHelp: 'No extended help available.'

	async run(msg, [...params]) {
		// This is where you place the code you want to run for your command

	async init() {
		// You can optionally define this method which will be run when the bot starts (after login, so discord data is available via this.client)



Name Default Type Description
name theFileName string The name of the command
enabled true boolean Whether the command is enabled or not
runIn ['text', 'dm', 'group'] Array What channel types the command should run in
cooldown 0 number The amount of time before the user can run the command again in seconds
aliases [] Array Any comand aliases
permLevel 0 number The required permission level to use the command
botPerms [] Array The required Discord permissions for the bot to use this command
requiredSettings [] Array The required guild settings to use this command
description '' string The help description for the command
usage '' string The usage string for the command See. Understanding Usage Strings
usageDelim '' string The string to deliminate the command input for usage
quotedStringSupport client.config.quotedStringSupport boolean Wheter args for this command should not deliminated inside quotes
extendedHelp 'No extended help available.' string Extended help strings

All commands are required to return an Object Promise you can do that by adding the async keyword to the function, there's no need to change anything else.

All command options are optional, the code above shows all default values. You can delete any line with an optional value that matches the default value.

[...params] represents a variable number of arguments give when the command is run. The name of the arguments in the array (and their count) is determined by the usage property and its given arguments.

Further Reading: